He Will Hold Me Fast - May 2021

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This life is full of forces that seek to undermine our faith. The enemy prowls like a lion, the flesh wages war on our souls, and the world offers idols to capture our affections. Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2 Tim. 3:12). With such an onslaught, how can we hold on to our faith?

The underlying truth is that the object of our faith is holding fast to us. We don't often use the word "fast" in this way, but consider it as the root to the word "fasten." In this light fast means "firmly fixed or attached." This is the exact picture we see in John 10 when Jesus says that no one can snatch his sheep from his hand? Though our fingers are often weak, easily pried from what we grasp, as we persevere in life, remember that Christ will hold us fast and he's not letting go!


He Will Hold Me Fast

Words vv 1-2: Ada Habershon (1861-19168); Alt. Words vv.1-2, Words v. 3, and Music: Matt Merker


Verse 1
When I fear my faith will fail,
Christ will hold me fast;
When the tempter would prevail,
He will hold me fast.
I could never keep my hold
Through life’s fearful path;
For my love is often cold;
He must hold me fast.

He will hold me fast,
He will hold me fast;
For my Savior loves me so,
He will hold me fast.

Verse 2
Those He saves are His delight,
Christ will hold me fast;
Precious in His holy sight,
He will hold me fast.
He’ll not let my soul be lost;
His promises shall last;
Bought by Him at such a cost,
He will hold me fast.

Verse 3
For my life He bled and died,
Christ will hold me fast;
Justice has been satisfied,
He will hold me fast.
Raised with Him to endless life,
He will hold me fast
Till our faith is turned to sight,
When he comes at last!

© 2013 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) / Matthew Merker Music (BMI). Admin. by Musicservices.org. All rights reserved. CCLI Song #7016161 | CCLI License # 193208