This is an introduction to the Number System of chord notation. Some people call it the “Nashville” Number System, but it’s really just music theory in action! Not surprisingly, I was a little long-winded in explaining the whole thing so I’ve broken it up into 5 smaller parts.

Also, before you begin be sure to download this summary worksheet and read along. I’ll be filming some more videos to help us put this into practice and have some exercises to get more comfortable with the number system.

Let me know what you think, if you have any questions, or if you have any suggestions on how to make this page even better! I hope to continue building a bit of a resource library here. Also, remember our church has a subscription to the Getty Music Plus resource as well. If you need another invite, email me!

Thanks to Worship Tutorials for making this free number system cheat sheet!

Thanks to Worship Tutorials for making this free number system cheat sheet!