January 16, 2022 - SERVICE CANCELED

** New Covenant Church worship service and discipleship classes canceled for January 16, 2022 **

While we may be unable to gather together for worship today, we encourage you to set aside and take time at home for family worship. Our service may be canceled, but worship, of course, is not canceled. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalm 118:24). Even as our homes, cars, yards, and roads are covered in snow, this is the Lord’s Day, let us give Him due worship with joy in our hearts for being, in Christ, washed whiter than snow!

What a great opportunity to lead a simple worship “service” at home rehearsing the Gospel together. As you worship at home today, consider using the short plan below:

Home Family Worship Guide

Prayer: Begin with a prayer acknowledging God’s power to command all of creation according to His sovereign good purpose.

Scripture: Read Psalm 96 out loud.

Sing: All Creatures of Our God and King (On your own, or along with New Covenant Church worship team here)

Confess Sin: Recognize and confess in prayer and discussion how we often live as if we are the ones who have the power. We often try to make ourselves to be king over our lives. Sometimes this looks more obvious in our tireless efforts to assume control, and sometimes it looks more subtle in our neglect to seek the Lord’s wisdom and guidance, routinely order our lives around our own ends and desires. Take a few moments to consider how you have asserted yourself to be the one in control this week.

Embrace Christ: Read Isaiah 1:18 and Psalm 51:7 out loud. Find comfort and forgiveness in that all who confession their sin to the Lord, embracing Christ as the true King of kings, they shall be washed whiter than snow! Look outside and see how amazing it is that God has covered the earth with snow. The reality for all those who trust in Christ by faith is even more amazing than that! You are washed on the inside and outside with a cleansing that can never melt or be shoveled away. Salvation in Christ is comprehensive and eternal. Run to him today, for the first time or for the thousandth!

Sing: Jesus Paid It All (On your own, or along with New Covenant Church worship team here)

The Word: To extend and enrich your time of family worship, consider now listening to (or watching) sermon from previous weeks. You can access our podcast or YouTube channel to sit under the preaching of God’s Word. If you are unsure which one to pick, listen to last week’s sermon here.

Prayer: Close in prayer committing the day to the Lord, celebrating Christ, and thanking God for His provision for all things according to His will. Recite the Lord’s Prayer together.